Happy New Year!
Hard to believe we’re already in the year 2019! We hope everyone had a great holiday season, and again, thank you for all the support in 2018. Now that we’re a few weeks into January, everyone is back in full swing and ready to tackle their goals for the coming year. For most people, that means eating healthier, exercising more, saving more money, etc., and those are great resolutions, but why limit it to personal endeavors?
Equal thought should be given to business resolutions, and one of my favorites to offer up is an insurance checkup. Unless you renew around the end/beginning of the calendar year, chances are you haven’t even thought about your insurance in quite some time. Maybe your aircraft was on-ground only and you’re ready to fly it again, maybe you’ve hired a pilot or two, or perhaps your payrolls have changed for work comp. Take a quick mental inventory, and if there’s any doubt, contact your agent!