Peak Season Policy Checkup
As we get further and further from the grip of the pandemic, I think we can all agree that it feels good to see things coming back to life. Whether it’s in the form of events on the calendar, more aircraft flying overhead, or simply going outside, we are entering the peak season for travel, events, vacations, air shows, and more.
This year may see a record amount of all of it, given the itch to get back to normal following a year away from everything. With all the excitement, it’s easy to forget about the less exciting obligations. Whether it’s your flight physical, a dentist visit, or maybe even an oil change, there are certain annual events that we simply don’t look forward to as much as others. Nonetheless, that lack of excitement shouldn’t discount their importance.
Routine maintenance is a critical part of our everyday lives, whether we’re talking about our aircraft, our homes, or even our bodies. An oft-forgotten or overlooked item that should also be on that list is your insurance policy. We’re not saying you have to do something drastic like re-read your policy (because everyone reads it at least once, right? 🙂 ), but it is worth taking a step back every so often to think about the state of your aircraft and your operation.
Ask yourself — has anything changed with my company? Do I offer more services? Has my aircraft value changed? Have I added any pilots lately? Am I planning a trip outside the US? The answers to these questions may change throughout a policy year, especially with commercial operators.
In the pursuit of business growth, it is critical that you make sure your insurance policy is keeping pace with the evolution of your operation. The policy you bound six or eight months ago may not fully cover what you’re doing now, so it’s always best to “take inventory” of what may have changed since then. If you have any doubts or questions, then by all means, give us a call.